My very much overdue Macau trip! My blog's lateness is not due to Macau not worthy to be written about, in fact it is the opposite. I merely have to get rid of Mr. Manana and its ugly ugly habit. From the moment the ferry arrived, the bus ride to the city, until we were ushered to the carpeted floors of the Venetian Hotel, I was in awe. It was like I was teleported to a movie set but no cameras to ruin the views. My family loved hamming it up, even my Pops had his striking "close-up" smile ready hehehe. Although, no one could beat Ackie in the "Zoolander" department. We were blessed to have met two angels who showed us around Macau and best thing about this: Take picture with ME INCLUDED (Yey!! Im part of the family now!) What I lurve the most about Macau is their structures and monuments. They're both modern yet still rich in heritage and culture. The buildings, hotels, casinos, and churches, heck even the cobbled streets were amazing...