Zeybu choo!

We woke up bright and early to start the day, we were to become Taoist for a few hours. We got to the the temple and had to hike a quadrillion steps to reach the main building. It was worth it when we got to the top, it was like we were transported to China circa Mulan times hehehe... Taoist Temple They had several mini temples for each god, one for business, another for travel, another for health, and so on. We entered the biggest temple last where we lit an incense and made wishes by using a half moon shaped wooden thingies. It was said that the god's answers the individuals wishes and prayers thru the wooden half moons. You throw it and when it's both up, its maybe, if both down its a no, but if its one up and another down, its a yes. Funny thing is that I got the maybe and the yes mixed up so I kept repeating and rephrasing my question when it was actually already a YES...