Down Under Series: Favorite Cafes in Sydney

Australia is known for its third wave coffee culture and all day brunch scene. This is quickly evident in Sydney where every street and district has its coffee spot, brunch place...Or BOTH. Throughout my nearly 6 month stay, I scoured Sydney for cafes and these are a few of my favorite spots. 1. QVB Jet Bar Caffè Address: Queen Victoria Building, 55/455 George St. Situated in Queen Victoria Building or commonly known as QVB in Town Hall, this building was built as a monument for Queen Victoria in 1898 and has long been turned into a mall but still retaining it's beautiful architecture. Jet Bar is found right before the building entrance which you can't miss. It's right across the beautiful Sydney Town Hall and gives you the perfect spot to relax, people watch and enjoy your cup of coffee. My amazing cousin brought me here upon my arrival and my first stop upon setting foot in the city. It was the best greeting and anticipation for th...