. "One should always be in love, that is the reason one should never marry" .. .. . . aptly quoted by Oscar Wilde . . . ***************************************************
Showing posts from 2009
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Im in a melancholy mood. Listening to The Fray's "You Found Me" rain drizzling outside. . I love this weather, this atmosphere. Reminds me of childhood. Days when typhoon rears it's comforting swooshes and rain pouring hard. Cocoa days and staying home with the sibs and my mom. Most people hate the rain. i find it really meditative and comforting. As it pours on, it seems to wash away what ever worries or stress I have. I like walking in the rain. Its refreshing. You see things differently when it rains It opens up my inner loner, my inner introvert. I think clearer. I feel more inspired. I am calmed. When I was younger I would stare out the window and get lost in my own thoughts. As i got older, the best ideas flowed when its gloomy and rainy days were peaking in. I daydream and contemplate. Love those days. Love these days. ******************************************************************
Bits and Pieces
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Have you ever wondered how you look in another person's eyes? . Its strange but I guess we will never know.. . One of my fave past times is people watching. I share that enthusiasm with my sister. We can stay and people watch all day. . What they say may indeed be true "we are all voyeurs" in one way or another. . Its rather entertaining observing strangers from afar. Being candid, unaware. They show their true selves. .. Even in photographs, I like the candid ones. The "real" candid photos, not the I'll-pose-but-make-it-look-candid pictures that you see everywhere. . I happen to come across some of my pics, taken unbeknownst. . Looking at these shots, I realized a few thing about myself: I have a penchant for touching my face. I have a habit of biting, puffing or playing with my lips. I have this "lost" look that makes me seem so faraway. My smile is my best when Im oblivious to who is watching. My eyes are too transparent for my own goo...
The little things...
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You wait for me to fall asleep before you leave my side. . . You do the things I like even if it's inconvenient, scary, childish, embarrasing or just plain ODD... You kiss me before you leave whether I'm awake or not . . . You wake up, buy em fresh and cook my favorite foodies, although it's your rest day . . You let me hold your hand in public .. . You take care of me when I'm sick .... . Help me choose my travel gears even if you're not coming with . . . . . You hardly complain . . You buy me chocolates and flowers for no reason . . . You understand my weirdness. For those times that you dont, you try . . You enjoy my penguin dance :) ***for that I'm Lucky*** ******************************************************
Summer Spin-off
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A few day ago i went to Coron for the first time... It had been a long anticipated event that I have been looking forward to, add a couple more individuals to the excitement and you get an idea of how we felt as the days wore on... It was two teams merged into one hell of a bonding experience. Savings were forgotten and planners were burnt for these three days of expected Sun and FUN FUN FUN!!! I, myself was excited to achieve the dreamt of tan that i really wanted.. I can wallow away in the beach swimming away my pale pale complexion... I have been reading " The Vampire Lestat" by Anne Rice during this times and it made me realize that my skin can be mistaken for a vampire and not in a good way.. Its not the pinkish glow that one would expect a fair skinned lady to acquire... :( We went to the airport straight from work, after finishing the needed duties in a hurry.. Praying all the while that Manila traffic and the weather would be on our side.. After minor setbacks, we ...
The Ggrrrrr-ness of Life!
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Pride and Anger... They harden the softest hearts into stone!!! . just two simple yet commonly felt emotion that we all release... conscious, unconsious... One way or another we have expressed it..be it hidden or unleashed but like any other "energy", it's very absorbent... . . Once let loose it streamlines into our being.. It affects how we see things, how we handle situations.. It affects US!!! Truth is we enjoy giving birth to our ANGER and our PRIDE This observed, it made me ponder " is it really THAT difficult to hold it in? perhaps it just feels better to share what we have, what we feel.. unaware that it is infectious... it is toxic... it is Sick! -------------------------------------------------------
Holy Weakness
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In lieu of the Holy Week, albeit delayed I just wanna post a refreshing take in reliving the journey and suffering of Jesus... Im not the most religious person the world, heck Im sure I dont even make it to the top 20%, yet when I visitied the Bonifacio High St. in The Fort last April 12,2009 I was intrigued with the post and black shirted individuals manning them... At the back of their shirts, it says "Church can be SIMPLE", and there were these posts that one has to follow just like one would in the way of the cross... So after going about the place and dropping by the usual places of interest, curious lil me opted to forego the Walkway.. They have these posts that notes the way and a short facoids about it and there are also acts that the "followers" need to do. Weird thing is, as I continue along the walkway a strange sense of peace and relief came over me..although i didnt intend to go there for prayer or reflection, I contemplated more than I woul...