Summer Spin-off

A few day ago i went to Coron for the first time... It had been a long anticipated event that I have been looking forward to, add a couple more individuals to the excitement and you get an idea of how we felt as the days wore on...
It was two teams merged into one hell of a bonding experience. Savings were forgotten and planners were burnt for these three days of expected Sun and FUN FUN FUN!!!
I, myself was excited to achieve the dreamt of tan that i really wanted.. I can wallow away in the beach swimming away my pale pale complexion...
I have been reading " The Vampire Lestat" by Anne Rice during this times and it made me realize that my skin can be mistaken for a vampire and not in a good way.. Its not the pinkish glow that one would expect a fair skinned lady to acquire... :(
We went to the airport straight from work, after finishing the needed duties in a hurry.. Praying all the while that Manila traffic and the weather would be on our side..
After minor setbacks, we were off to Coron, Palawan. Few of my companions were apparently virgins in the aeronautics dept aka 1st time flyers...and they had their own ways of dealing, some went off to dreamland while others enjoyed the moment and bounced like kids enticed with candy.
First day: we arrived at 3pm, after a short rest we had our lunch and went to Makinit Hotsprings to cool off. By the midnight hour, most of the group were off having a night cap while me and 2 of my friends were evidently too pooped cause we were half way off to dreamland.
Second Day: woke up bright and early, had a morning coffee and a shower to start our trek and explore the islands of Coron. First off we went snorkeling in Siete Pecados, then hiked the reddish muddy grounds to reach Kayangan Lake. It was breathtaking and refreshing after a long climb. Next off we stopped over a beach front to swim and have our lunch. On the side, we took a mountain of pictures and laughed our asses off.. After filling our stomachs with fish, pork, fruits and more food, we banka'd our way to Skeleton reef where there was a Japanese Shipwreck that we can observe for our viewing pleasure. Not everybody joined in to take a peek though. Some of them had their fears get the best of them. It was quite creepy because the waters were a bit murky and very deep, but curious lil me even wanted to take a closer look. If only we could take our life vest and be allowed to navagate our way down the wreck. It actually reminded me of Davy Jones' Ship in Pirates of the Caribbean filled with corals and moss. We also then went to the Twin lagoons where u had to swim yourself under a semi-cave to reach it, very "The Beach-like".
Last Day: We went and hiked the 800 steps Mt. Tapyas with two people from our group actually giving up and
just heading back to their rooms. After the long tedious climb it was all worth it seeing the bird's eye view of the whole Coron.
After three days in this island, albeit not getting a swig of a tan, i had a whole lotta fun, forged new frienships and molded memories and bonded with people I hardly knew before coming here...
As I always stand by these words, "Experience is still the best teacher" well it seems that not only does it teach but it widens ones horizons as well as keeps us in awe of the beauty of the world...So, let us travel through time until we reach the ends of the world...
NEXT STOP: CARAMOAN ISLANDS with Marty....... stay tuned
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