
Showing posts from March, 2009

A seemingly usual Tuesday

I went ice skating yesterday!!! After more than 10 years of sabbatical, i had a sudden urge to do it again...I dont know why or what got into me, probably the desperation of wanting to do something during my weeklong rest... Off we went to Mall of Asia, psyching ourselves and praying not to get humiliated.. It was a tuesday, so good coz there were not that many people in the mall. Lesser number of eyewitnesses seeing us at our clumsiest hahaha... Of course we had to fill our stomachs first.. A weird theory of "fuller stomach, thicker skins" which simply translates the more satisfied you are with your tumtum the lesser you notice the stupid/embarassing thing you do :) So, we head off to choose where to eat and it was quite easy coz I was hungry I chose the first resto that caught my attention...Aristocrat! Off we ordered our meal..Lumpia Shanghai for me with a trusty Sago't Gulaman. Their famous BBQ chicken with Halo Halo for Marianna... Yum!!! There we were stomachs ful...

Surf Camp in La Union

Bird' s Eye view Reading backwards two toinks in a beach Something caught my eye Learning the basics of Surfing This is how its done! On the rocky end of the shoreline Petulance!! it was quite early ...and I am not a morning person!! Exhibit A Time to ride the Waves Chillin' while surfin' The way to the beach

Surfing in LA

San Juan Surf Camp!!! It was the second time I went there. Last time I was there I was with two comrades in search for beaches to blasphemize. We even came up with the proposition to scour the beaches of the country in search for "THE ONE" (beach, that is). But going back to the trip last November 24, 2008, it came about because a friend and housemate was thinking of ways to spend her birthday differently while I was thinking of ways to ease my boredom. Ergo, SURFING!!! I was hooked first time I tried it, those many eon years ago and I was beside myself to do it again. Of course, the birthday girl Marianne's her name was a little less exuberant and for the idea than I was hehehe. So, off we went and travelled...6 hours after, our arse were half-dead and my ADHD kicking in, we were there... In the midst of the the nearest surf turf in the metropolitan. La union. We got settled in and checked the rooms. I think I even had a catnap for an hour or 4 hahaha... Wh...

The Start

What brought about this whim of starting a blog? Im no writer nor Observer extraordinaire. I have no journalism experience by far. Strange as it sounds, I was never one to even keep a journal... So, why this? Why the hell start a blog when all the above mentioned were admitted??? Simple: I guess, Life is too short too lead lonely lives. In this world of interconnectedness (is this even a word? hehehe),where gadgets and technology are more a friend to us than actual breathing creatures. We are consumed in living our lives...that sometimes we ignore the life around us. And as Bugs Bunny said "If you can't beat em, Join em!". So, i figured this is godd way of combining what's consuming our daily existence to what would nourish our very existence. Just random ramblings of my travels...bloopers committed and omitted...discoveries...realizations...oh and of course, complaints :) Basically my two cents about anything and everything.. You can call it my new project. Or a mode...