Surfing in LA
San Juan Surf Camp!!! It was the second time I went there. Last time I was there I was with two comrades in search for beaches to blasphemize. We even came up with the proposition to scour the beaches of the country in search for "THE ONE" (beach, that is).
But going back to the trip last November 24, 2008, it came about because a friend and housemate was thinking of ways to spend her birthday differently while I was thinking of ways to ease my boredom. Ergo, SURFING!!!
I was hooked first time I tried it, those many eon years ago and I was beside myself to do it again. Of course, the birthday girl Marianne's her name was a little less exuberant and for the idea than I was hehehe.
So, off we went and travelled...6 hours after, our arse were half-dead and my ADHD kicking in, we were there... In the midst of the the nearest surf turf in the metropolitan. La union.
We got settled in and checked the rooms. I think I even had a catnap for an hour or 4 hahaha...
When i awoke from my dreamless state, we set off to find ourselves some boards to rent and an instructor capable and patient enough to teach us :)
Good thing we met Guido, a lean mean surfer dude. His tan was evidence of his dedication to the sport and his body evidence that surfing is a hell of a good way to get a great bod.. hehehe
It was quite easy learning how to surf again. Guido being a capable teacher and the waves not being too harsh on us newbies.
Marianne on the other hand had to be persuaded or should i say "forced" to the idea that surfing is actually quite fun. She had visions of herself drowning, straying to the middle of the open sea or worse, getting eaten by a shark (ok, i made the last one up hehehe).
After much prodding though, she got into it and became one of the "i love surfing" " surfing is kewl!" dudes...
We stayed for 3days.. got a bit of a tan (not tan enough for me), drank watermelon shakes while people watching, drank enough saltwater from my wipe outs, stargazing in the silent San Juan night, ate with fervour in Midway Grill (I recommend!), greeted the La Union sunrise and left our footprints in its sparkling stardust sands..All in all had a totally awesome time!!!
Now, if only I had enough moolahs to burn and time on my hands. I would've loved to stay there..The beach and the waves to discover, a partner-in-crime to share it with... Good times, good times!
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