Unexpected discoveries...
While in Penang, we "discovered" a hole in the wall noodle place that was simply divine. We were searching for a place to have lunch and we came upon a bahay kubo type eatery by the side of the road. We were intrigued why alot of yuppies were eating there and as my mom said "If you're travelling, follow the locals coz you will never go wrong". And sure enough, I had the best noodles and coffee I had EVER tasted!
It was the perfect chill out spot for our weary toes! We spent the rest of the afternoon in the noodle house with no name. My goofy smile says it all: SOLB NA! hehehe
While in Penang, we "discovered" a hole in the wall noodle place that was simply divine. We were searching for a place to have lunch and we came upon a bahay kubo type eatery by the side of the road. We were intrigued why alot of yuppies were eating there and as my mom said "If you're travelling, follow the locals coz you will never go wrong". And sure enough, I had the best noodles and coffee I had EVER tasted!
It was the perfect chill out spot for our weary toes! We spent the rest of the afternoon in the noodle house with no name. My goofy smile says it all: SOLB NA! hehehe
We nearly ordered everthing in their menu! Their Special Coffee, Black forthy Coffee, Coffee with sugar and cream, Spicy noodles, Regular noodles. They didnt have any menus so we just point out the food we see from other diners (how rude!hehehe). It was definitely one of the highlight of my trip =)
After having our fill, we relaxed and bummed around until it was time for the place to close. The nice old lady who served us and was patient enough to answer our food inquisitions, even waved a friendly goodbye to us... Great things do come in unexpected places!
After having our fill, we relaxed and bummed around until it was time for the place to close. The nice old lady who served us and was patient enough to answer our food inquisitions, even waved a friendly goodbye to us... Great things do come in unexpected places!
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