March is for Marching...

Two of my favorite boys went marching this month.

My baby bro, Tata graduated from highschool and will be entering the collegiate world this year!
Tata was voted most industrious (WHUUUUT?!) haha

Proud parents =)

and my fave nephew, Ackie will be in 1st grade already.
Baccalaureate Boy!

Smart little boy that he is, he graduated with honors and was riddled with ribbons and medals.
Best in Scripture, Best in Art, Most Courteous, Most Punctual and Most Helpful

Ackie boy showing off his medals and ribbons

We are proud proud proud of them!!!
All the blood, sweat and tears were worth it...

Cheers to more blessing, love and happiness to my boys!!!
Prepare for the next milestone in your lives...

Goodluck! =)


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